I love my cousin Talie Sierra Bonds SO MUCH! She has always been one of my sweetest, best friends no matter the age difference:)) a couple summers ago, I went to Las Vegas with my old roommate to watch them while our parents were on a cruise and Talie and I were making Mrs. Clause cookies and got into a huge cookie dough fight! It was so fun because the cookie dough would stick to our bodies and the walls! Well, the recipe called for funny things like reign deer love and joy and fun Christmas things...so we were yelling at each other (purely for fun) and little Zoey comes up to us and says,
"Oh yeah those are gonna be REEEAL good with all the JOY in them!!" haha it was so funny.
She's such a sweetheart. I love all my cousins of course but not all of them write me sweet things on my facebook wall like what talie wrote. I am copying and pasting it now.
"brea bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss you sooooo much already! i always think of our
song ♥ and the cookies ♥ i love it when you send me pictures (: you are my favorite cousin (and the prettiest) i love when we go shopping together. i love it when we eat together♥ you are the funnest person. i found the picture i was telling you about. the one when im in a wedding dress!!!!!!! i ♥ you so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stay amazing ♥"
She is so sweet.
I love the Savior so much and I love reflecting on His birth this time of year. He came into this world so humble, and everything He's done is for my benefit and because He loves me, He is my brother. I think its so good to try to serve others more than think about myself during this time of the year and all year long! The semester is coming to an end and I've learned the most this semester than all my semester's so far. I've learned how to be happy and how to love others and love my Savior more than myself.
Thats all for now! I need to blog more often...I'll get on that. :) Oh attached is pictures from the ward Christmas Party. It was awesome, a great spirit was felt there. I love my ward! Ivins YSA. And pictures of our bark:)